How to make a Reserved (Unconfirmed) Booking

More Information


For a detailed step-by-step process, please refer to the webinar 'Referral, Reserved Bookings and Quotes'.

NOTE:   A Reserved Booking allows a Booking Centre to complete an unconfirmed booking.

Scenario - A client is standing in a Booking Centre, wishing to make a booking with an On Request Operator.
Unfortunately the operator is currently uncontactable, and the client will be out of mobile range.

The client wishes to reserve two seats on the tour, pay in full, and if the operator confirms the booking - everything is in place.


Step 1:  Normal booking protocols up to the Customer Details screen

Use the dashboard search screens to navigate via the shopping cart, up to the Client Details page, using normal booking protocols.

Step 2A:  New Client Details

Select 'Reserved Booking' from the Status menu, and enter all details as per normal protocols.

or Step 2B:  Existing Client Details

Select 'Search for existing client details'

Enter search parameters

Select 'Make Reserved Booking'

Step 3:  Finalise Booking

Enter Booking Notes to communicate with the operator (and reinforce with the client)

Process Payment if appropriate

Step 4:  Confirm or Cancel Booking

The booking can be confirmed by either the operator or staff as per normal protocols.

The booking may be cancelled by a staff member if the operator is unable to confirm

For a detailed step-by-step process, please refer to the webinar 'Referral, Reserved Bookings and Quotes'.