The Reservations Search page is one of the most important and highly used areas of the Bookeasy Staff Console, providing multiple ways to locate, filter and view reservations made from various sources.


  • A clean and fully responsive user interface that can be used on any device.
  • Reservation status colour coding so you can quickly identify reservations of a particular type.
  • Streamlined quick search where you can easily search for an itinerary number, booking number or customer name from just the one field.
  • Advanced search filters allowing you to conduct robust reservations searches. 
  • Reservations search results default to load 10 reservations per page (making it super fast), with options to quickly view 25, 50, 100, 200 or ALL.
  • Export full reservations data to CSV (spreadsheet) or your list of reservations to PDF!
  • Refine your loaded reservation search results further by filtering by keyword!

The below slides provide a guide on Bookeasy's Reservations Search features and how you can use it in your Tourism Centre: