How to cancel a booking, where cancellation fees are enforced by the Booking Centre and/or Operator(s)

More Information


For a detailed step-by-step process, please refer to the webinar 'Cancelling Bookings'.


Scenario - Thomas Hardey wishes to cancel a booking which has been paid in full.

Step 1:  Clarify/Confirm the Cancellation Policies with the client

It is advisable to contact the operator is circumstances warrant it.  The operator MAY choose to waiver the cancellation fees.  If this occurs, ensure booking notes are entered for accountability purposes

Step 2:  Process the Booking Centre Cancellation Fee


The Booking Centre Cancellation Fee is retained by the centre to cover the costs of cancellations

Step 3:  Process the Operator Cancellation Fee(s)


The Operator(s) will receive cancellation fees as part of the normal operator returns functionality. To process an operator cancellation fee payments must be allocated to the booking you are trying to pay out a cancellation for. If this step is not followed a message will display. For steps on how to allocate a payment, please view the available help document here

Step 4:  Cancel the Booking(s)


When the bookings are cancelled, both the operator and client will receive email notifications

Step 5:  Physically refund the client


Login to your payment gateway to physically transfer monies to the client

Step 6:  Apply the refund(s) to the itinerary


Once the refund has been processed by your accounts department, the refund needs to be placed in the itinerary


Operator Returns will automatically take into account Operator Cancellation Fees.

Refer to Finance Webinars for more information.

For a detailed step-by-step process, please refer to the webinar 'Cancelling Bookings'.