Secure Travel Payments [STP] is the brand name, which is a collaboration between Tourism Holdings and Kovena.
From the client perspective, we are STP, and need to respond to support requests as appropriate.
Our team should feel comfortable answering the following support requests:
Transactions Reports
Disbursement Reports
Manual charges and refunds - note ALL STP clients have Bulk Refunds Functionality
Booking Fees
New Activations
The normal model is for disbursementof funds to occur on the day of checkin.
Currently three clients are on the immediate disbursement model, where they receive funds the day after payment:
Falls Creek Central Reservatons [BE]
Echuca Moama [BE]
Menzies Caravan Park [RM]
Payments are made on GMT, which means the client will probably receive the funds the following day.
The following shows examples where we need to get the Kovena team involved:
This list is not exhaustive.
Bank details to be updated for disbursement of funds
Funds not received
Incorrect fees charged prior to disbursement
Unable to perform a refund via your booking
All emails are to be directed to [email protected]
Martha is the main point of contact, based in Philippines
For all other escalations, or if you do not know who to approach, please contact Chris Ritchie or Chris Telenta.
Sam Rutledge [CEO] must not be contacted directly - as per the above
Do not use the Kovena slack channel for any of the above. This is for management use only.
Any email address ending with is a TH email address, and will filter through to FD.