Below is a step by step guide for generating SMS messages to your customers.

Step One - Setup

To send bulk SMS messages to your customers you will need to create an SMS account with our provider SMS Global please visit
*this will incur additional charges per SMS directly from SMS global*

  1. Once you have signed up with SMS global go to
  2. Enter your SMS username
  3. You will also need to enter your email settings (You can get this from your IT team) you would of used these settings to setup your emails
  4. If you need assistance, please contact support

Step Two - Create your SMS Text

  1. Login to your console
  2. Hover over Reports and go to E-Newsletters -
  3. Click add new e-News item
  4. Enter a heading
  5. Select the eNewsletter Type as SMS
  6. Enter the body of the text your want to send
    *SMS has a character limit of 160 Characters*
  7. Click save changes

Step Three - Send your SMS

  1. To send your SMS hover over reports and go to e-Newsletter
  2. The SMS message you created in step two should be displayed in the list
  3. To send the SMS please click merge contacts located under the actions column (screenshot)
  4. Use the search function to narrow down your customers to send to. Ensure you un-check the -newsletters Tickbox when sending bulk SMS's
  5. Check all the boxes for the contacts you wish to send an SMS
  6. Click merge e-Newsletters
  7. Click ok to send SMS
  8. You will then be taken to the Enewslog where it will list all recipients of the SMS