If you are trying to book a tour operator and they are unavailable in a certain year or after a certain date, there is a good chance that this operators date range for their tours does not cover the date range you are searching for.

An example submitted to Bookeasy support below.

AA Traveller were trying to book an operator in 2019, however it kept coming back unavailable.

This was because the operators date range for tours was set until to the 31/12/2018, so searching into 2019 showed no results to be found.

To resolve this issue you can follow the below steps.

  1. Login to the operator console
  2. Go to Setup > Tours
  3. Click on the tour name
  4. Click on the date restrictions tab
  5. Extend your date range.

Note: If the operator is still displays as unavailable after you have cleared your browser cache and you have tried searching more dates, you should then check the availability to ensure that it hasn't been manually blocked or check the rate types settings.  This also is not applicable for any partner connected product (rezdy or livn)