Converting website traffic into bookings is essential, particularly in the ever increasing competition of the travel market. You have a traveller on your website, wanting to make a booking, but they have to email or phone to enquire..... You've lost them! Travellers want instant bookings and instant confirmation.
Booking Centres can now offer their operators a ready-made online booking engine for their website.
The Bookeasy Operator Website Booking Engine is a great, cost-effective solution, allowing your operators to convert their website traffic in to real-time bookings without the need to use an additional costly property or tour management system.
- Available for accommodation and tour operators. Tickets coming soon!
- Cost-effective ready-made solution for operators to sell their own product, in real-time, on their own website
- All data - static and dynamic - will pull from the operator's Bookeasy console (images, descriptions, products, rates)
- Bookings managed by the operator's Mothership
- No additional cost for the Centre to implement
- Centre's set the commission for operator website bookings - set for all operators, negotiate with individual operators, percentage or dollar fee
- Operator's can customise the settings for their website booking engine - colours, gadget settings, return URL, tracking codes
- Centre's can add their own tracking codes to all, or individual, operator's website booking engines