If you can please refund the payment via Securepay then refund in Room Manager.

To Refund, please follow the below steps:

Navigate to Securepay Merchant Login: https://login.securepay.com.au/v3/
Login with your credentials
Merchant ID
Username (“admin”)
Select Login

select Refund a Payment > Cards
A search screen will appear with search criteria
Change Receipts date from today to the last 7 days
Enter information into reference (itinerary number from Room Manager)
Click Search

Click on the Payment you want to Refund
(Note:  click on the Transaction Reference number – which is the itinerary number)
The payment information will get transposed in the bottom screen
Enter Amount of refund and click Reverse or Refund
Enter the amount under Amount of Reversal/Refund
NOTE: The refund amount must match the amount recorded as the client refund against the itinerary in Room Manager.
NOTE: You may have a daily limit set with your bank.  Please contact your bank directly for more information.

Select refund – use this option when payment has been approved by the bank.
NOTE:  Your bank may take up to ten days for the refund to hit the client’s bank account.  Please contact your bank directly for more information.

The refund must now be applied to the itinerary.

Login to your Room Manager console
Search for your itinerary number
Click Edit on the right-hand side

Once you are in the Edit an Existing Booking screen
Click on the status change to CANCELLED
Click on the Payments Tab
Add new payment to booking
Payment Type: Refunds (ensuring the amount is the same as what you have just refunded)
Click Save Changes and Payments