Hi ,
Thank you for your inquiry.
There are 2 ways to enter a booking in Room Manager. As a Quote or as a Booking. Please see the below image of your Reservations calendar Quick Search results for Mcmillan.
A Quote does NOT affect inventory/availability, and does not 'book' a room. It does however save so if you were to give this Booking and Itinerary number to the potential guest and they decide to book - you can pick up the Quote and change status from Quote to Reserved to change availability to booked.
To Make a Booking:
- Click either Add Reservation from Reservations in Top Bar menu or by clicking a date in the calendar.
- Add First Name and Last name in the Guest Contact details under Inventory details right hand side of pop up
- The Status will be automatically selected as Reserved
- Change Check in date and number of dates required - http://images.tourismholdings.com/public/2016/01/56930116967b9.png
- Click Make Bookings and payments - http://images.tourismholdings.com/public/2016/01/5693027b19c60.png
To Make a Quote:
- Add Reservation as above
- Instead of pressing Make Booking and Payments - Click Save Quote (the small of the two buttons (left of the Make Booking and Payments) This will save the status of entry to Quote.
This is now saved as a quote - operator can access and send tax invoices but the Quote is not Booked until status is changed to Reserved or Confirmed.
Kind Regards,