Hi ,

Thank you for your inquiry.

There are 2 ways to enter a booking in Room Manager. As a Quote or as a Booking. Please see the below image of your Reservations calendar Quick Search results for Mcmillan.

A Quote does NOT affect inventory/availability, and does not 'book' a room. It does however save so if you were to give this Booking and Itinerary number to the potential guest and they decide to book - you can pick up the Quote and change status from Quote to Reserved to change availability to booked.

To Make a Booking:

  1. Click either Add Reservation from Reservations in Top Bar menu or by clicking a date in the calendar.
  2. Add First Name and Last name in the Guest Contact details under Inventory details right hand side of pop up
  3. The Status will be automatically selected as Reserved
  4. Change Check in date and number of dates required - http://images.tourismholdings.com/public/2016/01/56930116967b9.png
  5. Click Make Bookings and payments - http://images.tourismholdings.com/public/2016/01/5693027b19c60.png

To Make a Quote:

  1. Add Reservation as above
  2. Instead of pressing Make Booking and Payments - Click Save Quote (the small of the two buttons (left of the Make Booking and Payments) This will save the status of entry to Quote.
This is now saved as a quote - operator can access and send tax invoices but the Quote is not Booked until status is changed to Reserved or Confirmed.

Kind Regards,

Tourism Holdings